Input containing the properties of the user to be created
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input UserCreateInput {
- # The first name of the user
- String :
- # The last-name of the user
- String! :
- # The email of the user
- String! :
- # The password of the user. It should be at least 10 characters long, and
- # contains at least 1 lowercase character, 1 uppercase character, 1 number, and 1
- # special character.
- String! :
- # Id of the role assigned to the user
- LegacyId! :
- # Pseudo used by the user
- String! :
- # Url of the user's avatar
- String! :
- # Configuration of the user's communication channels
- ChannelConfigurationInput :
- # List of ids of the user's skills
- LegacyId!] : [
- # List of ids of the user's projects
- LegacyId!]! : [
- # The id of the group the user belongs to
- LegacyId :
- # The locale preferences of the user
- CountryPreferencesInput :
- # An external identifier used by the user
- String :
- # The saml-id of the user
- String :
- }